Home > Photographers > Greg Dickens
A photographer who wears a camera more often than he wears a shirt, I believe that good photos are due to surprise and reactions.
I'm a biologist with a keen slant towards the visual system and the eye. I know that every brain sees a scene differently and that the art in photography is about showing others how you, personally, see an image.
As such, I'm constantly working on ways to make my photos represent what my eye can see.
The Junkyard
Richard's Classic Cars and Junkyard on Route 49 outside of Asheboro in North Carolina (NC).
Rust, incredible curves and more rust.
Date taken: 110110
Microfauna 3
Canon Eos 40D and Canon EF-S Macro 60mm combined to provide lots of pics of bugs. Which is what I do when I need to relax.
Date added: 14th Jul 2009Date taken: Summer 2009
Cambridge Life
Microfauna 2
Various insects and arachnids.
I've an SLR now, hear me roar!
Date taken: Lent Term 09
Cadenza Photoshoot
A night photoshoot for the Cambrdge Acapella Choir Cadenza.
Date added: 25th Jan 2009Date taken: 27 - 10 - 08
Cambridge Colleges
Cambridge Life
Chapel HDR III and IV
The Third and Fourth Parts of My Chapel HDR series.
Including Christ's, Corpus, Downing, Queens', Jesus, St Edmund's and Girton.
That's it. That's all the chapels in Cambridge.
All taken with permission, none for sale.
Date taken: 11 Oct 2008 - 13 Feb 2009
Cambridge Colleges
Cambridge Views
Chapel HDRs Two - The Revenge...
My love affair with Cambridge college chapels continues. My HDR skillz have increased slightly and a whole day with my camera put my eye in well. Look and see.
All taken with permission. None for sale.
Date taken: 13 - Sept - 08
Cambridge Colleges
Cambridge Views
Summer Buggin'
Yeah, fine, I take too many macro insect shots. Sue me.
I enjoy looking at life that we all see all the time, in a slightly different way. Ie. Closer.
Date taken: Summer 08
Chapel HDR
Each of these is a Five shot (Three shot in one case) High Dynamic Range Representation of a hard to capture lighting range inside a chapel.
Selwyn, Trinity, Kings, Johns, Caius, Magdalene and Fitz
Taken with permisssion.
Date taken: 21st March 2008
Cambridge Colleges
A collection of insect (and, yes, one arachnid) shots taken before 2008.
Date added: 21st Feb 2008Date taken: Various (pre 2008)
A collection of the my best plant shots, up to the beginning of 2008. Some are quite scientific, some are quite arty.
Date added: 21st Feb 2008Date taken: Multifple Dates (2007)